Property Week's RESi360 presents a unique opportunity for attendees to network with prominent industry experts and gain valuable insights into the latest developments in the sector. Now CPD certified, you will be able to claim more than 10 hours worth of CPD credits by attending the event.

Interested in speaking? We have limited availability remaining, enquire today by emailing Take a look at this years agenda below!

Registration & Bag Drop
Campfire Sessions – Round 1

What is a campfire?... It starts like any other panel or discussion, with a speaker or panel presenting a topic to the room. The focus then shifts from the presenters to the audience and the presenters’ become hosts and facilitators, inviting questions, comments, and experience sharing from the room.

The aim is to create a real dialogue around the topic, and true engagement in the process. The session will end with the compilation of some key takeaways and some goals for the next 12 months that could be revisited at the next RESi360/BTR360 edition.

This is your opportunity to contribute ideas, experience, and solutions to some of the biggest issues facing the industry currently, so prepare to share during this dynamic session.

RESi Regionals

Driving development and investment in the regional residential property market

Designed for real estate developers, investors, local government officials, and urban planners interested in specific regional markets within the UK, each of the campfires will endeavour to deliver the following insights:

  • The potential of these regions - overview of the economic and social factors that make these regions prime locations for residential property development and investment
  • Strategies for successful development
  • Identifying and analysing high-potential areas
  • Spotlight: Successful residential property projects and their impact on the local community and economy
  • Developing action plans for investment
  • Summary of key takeaways
Lunch & Check-in
Campfire Sessions – Round 2

Campfire 1: RESi Representation

Encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion in property and real estate

  • Discussing the significance of diversity and inclusion, current trends, and future directions in the real estate industry
  • Identifying the key challenges and opportunities faced by real estate professionals in fostering a diverse and inclusive environment
  • Developing Inclusive policies and practices - creating and refining policies that promote diversity and inclusion within real estate
  • Spotlight: Sharing inspirational success stories
  • Building an action plan – we’ll break into small groups to develop actionable plans for your organisations
  • Summary of key takeaways

Campfire 2: RESi Rookies

Inspiring the next generation to design and construct homes for the future

  • Making the built environment visible - how do we better connect with young people?
  • Understanding the interconnected crises impacting the built environment - housing, climate, biodiversity, and labour
  • Changing the perception of the property industry - overcoming the negative image of the industry and making it more appealing to young people
  • Developing a compelling narrative for the built environment - creating a modern, engaging story about the built environment that resonates with young people
  • Spotlight: Successful youth engagement initiatives
  • Designing youth-centric engagement strategies - we’ll break into small groups to brainstorm and develop strategies for engaging young people with the built environment
  • Summary of key takeaways

Led by: Mobie 

Campfire 3: RESi Robotics

The rise and rise of AI/Protech - how to successfully assess, test and deploy

Wellbeing Time

Choose from a networking golf afternoon on Wokefield Park's stunning golf course, archery overlooking beautiful scenery or simply enjoy some free networking time at your leisure.

RESi Street Fest
5K Run Club
Morning Refreshments & Networking
Property Week Welcome
Property Week
Deputy Editor
Property Week
Opening Keynote
State of the Resi Market Address – Making Sense of a Market in Constant Flux

The UK residential property market is showing signs of recovery, with improvements in key metrics like buyer demand and sales expectations, but what can we really expect?

This session will provide a macroeconomic overview of market movements and statistics looking at key drivers and pitfalls, including the political climate.

Head of UK Residential Research
Knight Frank
Lighting Talks: Trend Tracker

Three 10-minute presentations to showcase market trends that excite or concern you.

Hear three short, fast-paced presentations on Mixed-Use Medley, the importance of the Future Homes Taskforce, and Regeneration and Development of Urban Areas.

Managing Director - Development and Residential
Urban Splash
Q&A and Open Discussion
Panel: Policy, Regulation, and Planning – Is there Light at the End of the Tunnel?
  • Evaluating the successes and failures of existing housing policies - affordable housing initiatives and their impact on the housing crisis
  • Regulatory responses - changes in housing safety regulations and the roles and effectiveness of regulatory bodies
  • Challenging the ongoing issues of housing shortage, exploring how policy can balance the demand for affordable, high-quality homes
  • How do we get more homes built within all the current constraints? Could more devolution and empowering local Govt/areas be an answer?
  • Predicting emerging trends and potential strategies for improving policy and planning to better address the needs of diverse populations across the UK
Director of Policy
Joint Managing Director
Deeley Group
Group Managing Director
The Ringley Group
Keynote: A Rising Star - Examining the Role of BTR in the Wider Residential Market

BTR may be a small part of the residential market, but its continued growth shows it is not to be ignored.

This session will provide a comprehensive view of the current BTR landscape, examining market size, growth trends, and drivers of demand.

Partner- Head of Operational Living
Lightning Talks: Preparing for the Next Generation of Renters

Three 10-minute presentations to showcase demographic trends shaking up the BTR scene.

Hear three short, fast-paced presentations on Later Living, Single Family Homes, and Co-living and their impact on the BTR market.

Conscious Coliving
Director of BTR
Godwin Developments
Q&A and Open Discussion
Panel: Capitalising on the Future - Unlocking Investment Potential in BTR Developments

This session will explore the investment landscape, challenges, and opportunities in the UK’s BTR market.

  • As the market continues to mature, what changes can we expect to see in investor appetite?
  • Expectations vs reality- strategies for managing return on investment expectations and maintaining investor interest from pipeline through to delivery
  • Comparing funding models- where do sources of capital come from and should we expect a shift from the standard model
Managing Director
VP, Investments Europe
Oxford Properties Group
Investment Director
Apache Capital
Chief Legal & Corporate Development Officer
Moorfield Group
Birds of a Feather - Networking Coffee Break

During the breaks we encourage informal gatherings that bring together attendees with similar interests, roles, or challenges, to network, share ideas, and collaborate. Grab a coffee (or tea), choose a zone, and enjoy a relaxed, informal setting to connect with like-minded individuals.


Panel: Demographic Shifts and Housing Demand

Analysing how demographic changes, including population growth, aging populations, and migration patterns, are influencing housing demand and preferences.

  • Exploring housing designs and community planning needed to support accessibility and well-being
  • Managing urbanisation pressures - strategies for urban planning and development and focusing on sustainable growth and infrastructure enhancement
  • Diving into trends in smaller household formations and their implications, including the need for more single-person and smaller multi-person dwellings
  • Implications of continued shifts in work patterns - developing housing solutions in suburban and rural areas while considering connectivity and community services
Head of Development
Westminster City Council
Dorchester Living
Campfire: Housing Affordability and Accessibility

This is your opportunity to contribute ideas, experience, and solutions to one of the biggest issues facing the industry currently, so prepare to share during this dynamic session.

Portfolio & Impact Manager
CBRE Investment Management
Chief Executive
Local Space
Director of Land & Planning


Panel: Putting Policy into Practice - Improving Planning Processes and Increasing Delivery

An honest discussion on navigating the current political and regulatory landscape of BTR. How can we play by the rules without impeding delivery?

  • Developing long-term planning processes that are fit for the future and meet the needs of the government, investors, and residents
  • The case for the second staircase: unpacking the real implications on new BTR developments and on the wider market, and exploring possible solutions
  • Working with councils to increase planning permission and unlock new BTR developments that meet the housing needs of local populations
Founding Director
Cast Consultancy
Executive Director
Goodstone Living
Principal Director & Founder
Studio Ashton
Panel: Foundations for the Future - Creating a Long-term Vision for BTR Developments

Speakers in this session will discuss what BTR developments needs to stand the test of time. How can we build future-proof, sustainable developments that meet the needs of the population?

  • The role of sustainability in BTR developments- examining how green initiatives can be implemented in design, development, and operations to create developments that meet net-zero and ESG goals
  • Multi-generational living- exploring how BTR can appeal to different demographics of renters to create vibrant and dynamic communities within developments
  • Maximising asset value and minimising risk through multi-purpose developments
  • Purpose- built vs regenerated developments- can brownfield sites really be transformed to meet the needs of both BTR operators and local communities?
Practice Area Leader
Managing Director
Canary Wharf Group Vertus
Case Study: Designing Places for People - What Do Customers Actually Want?

This talk focus on what sets BTR properties apart from traditional residential properties and how to we can design develops to attract both customers and investors. From aesthetics to amenities to technology, this session will delve into understanding the draw of BTR properties beyond pricing.

Networking Lunch


Panel: Building Towards a Sustainable and Socially Conscious Future
  • Innovations in sustainable technology and building materials - exploring their benefits and challenges in reducing the carbon footprint of new and existing developments
  • Energy efficiency and the impact of these standards on new and existing housing stock
  • Socially impactful planning and development – promoting sustainability through green spaces, eco-friendly public transport, and infrastructure that supports lower emissions and enhanced community well-being
  • Funding and incentives - assessing government and private funding initiatives that encourage developers and homeowners to invest in sustainable housing solutions
Chief Operating Officer
Igloo Regeneration
Greencore Homes
Lightning Talks: Design and Architecture Trends

Three 10-minute presentations covering everything from new materials to the latest tech being used.

Hear three short, fast-paced presentations on Green Goodness, Creating a Circular Economy Community, and AI in Architecture.

Associate Architect
dla architecture
PLP Architecture
Managing Director
HKR Architects


Campfire: Beyond Brick and Mortar - Building Community and Delivering Social Value through Developments

This session focuses on how BTR developments can deliver social value into local communities. We then ask the audience to ask their questions and share their experiences on the matter to create real engagement and have solutions driven discussion.

Deputy Chief Executive & Director of Operations
Panel: Measuring Tenant Experiences and Improving on Successes

This session will unpack the operational side of BTR properties and seeks to answer the question- what makes tenants stay?

  • Strategies for genuine tenant engagement and implementing feedback in new policies and designs
  • Internalised vs externalised management: weighing the pros and cons of each approach and whether they have an impact on tenant satisfaction
  • Delivering effective and efficient asset management through the integration of technology
  • All about the amenities? Which features do tenants actually use in their homes and which are just for show
Managing Director
Verv Life
Birds of a Feather - Networking Coffee Break

During the breaks we encourage informal gatherings that bring together attendees with similar interests, roles, or challenges, to network, share ideas, and collaborate. Grab a coffee (or tea), choose a zone, and enjoy a relaxed, informal setting to connect with like-minded individuals.


Panel: Demystifying Investment and Risk to Optimise Portfolios
  • Is now the time to double down on current investments or to start exploring emerging asset classes?
  • Utilising technology, such as AI and big data analytics, to identify investment opportunities, predict market trends, and enhance operational efficiencies
  • The role of the investment community in promoting socially and environmentally conscious offerings
Development Director & Chief Sustainability Officer
Patron Capital
Co-founder & Chief Investment Officer
Closing Panel: Aspiring to 20/20 Foresight

They say hindsight is 20/20, but how can we better anticipate key market movements to take the first-mover advantage as an industry? And to what extent can we future-proof ourselves against an ever-changing backdrop?

Development Director
British Land
Thriving Investments
Capital & Centric
Founder and CEO


Fireside Chat: Solution or Snake Oil - What’s the Real Deal with AI?

This session will examine the use of AI in the BTR field from all angles.

From increasing efficiency in operational management to measuring resident engagement to predicting future trends- can AI really do it all?

Closing Panel: Are We Approaching the Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Now that BTR is here to stay, we look to answer the next question- where is it going?

This session explores how we can build upon on current successes and enter the next stage of building to rent.

  • From new challenges to new opportunities, what changes do we expect to see in the next year?
  • Utilising data to better anticipate demand and identify growth opportunities
  • Tackling the housing crisis- how can we continue to bridge the gap between affordable and high quality homes?
  • Looking beyond- what lessons can we learn from players outside of the BTR market?
Managing Director
UK Head of Research & Strategy
Fireside Chat: Mr. Super Prime

Host: Andrew Teacher, Senior Advisor, Montfort

Senior Advisor
DDRE Global
Day Close
Trailblazer Awards & Dinner
Drinks & Networking
Morning Refreshments & Networking
Tapping into Trailblazer Insights

Interviews with key winners to gain some insight into the individuals and the projects that came out on top in the awards.

Charity Golf (Additional Cost)