Neil Brearley, Cast Consultancy
Neil Brearley
Founding Director
Cast Consultancy

Neil is a Founding Director of Cast and Chief Financial Officer. Neil has 20-years’ experience within the Construction Industry and has worked with many leading developers, housebuilders and contractors in the residential market. Neil has delivered many completed schemes through his career – including major urban regeneration, strategic land, build to rent, later living, student accommodation, for-sale residential, commercial offices and listed buildings. He has personal involvement throughout our portfolio of projects including leading on feasibility & viability setting, establishing core strategy, vetting cost outputs, leading procurement, contract negotiation and service quality assurance. Neil wants to positively influence those with whom he directly works as well as driving wider change in the construction industry. He wants to address the key issues regarding sustainability and the fitness for purpose of our housing model, helping to create dwellings that people aspire to live in. Neil enjoys working with people with a shared vision to challenge the status quo, be that through product development, R&D, Design for Manufacture & Assembly (DfMA), Modern Methods of Construction or carbon led design. Neil has presented at numerous industry seminars relating to residential and construction markets and has acted as an Expert Witness as part of successful evidence submissions in formal hearings.